Nicolau Lobato International Airport i Díli

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Díli, Timor-Leste
Kontakter telefon: +92 302 4015555
Latitude: -8.5495599, Longitude: 125.5248698
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Kommentar 5

  • Sunik MT

    Sunik MT


    #LetsGuide Great....amazing airport...

  • M Alfiyan Syamsuddin

    M Alfiyan Syamsuddin


    Small, but friendly, for Indonesian passport, prepare your $30 for VoA cost.

  • Agung Arimbawa

    Agung Arimbawa


    It looks like one of mobile phone's brand ... should be name of the Airport written on it. in my opinion

  • Hikmah Ubaidillah Aziz

    Hikmah Ubaidillah Aziz


    Small airport. I hope more restaurant will be available here. I paid USD 10 visa on arrival. The immigration staff are helpful and friendly. Yet it's a small country, I love Timor Leste so much. I love the beaches. I love its clean weather. I love its beautiful view. So calm and relaxing.

  • Nelson Stabil

    Nelson Stabil


    This International Airport of President Nicolau Lobato is the only one gate to entre East Timor trough air service. Be careful with taxi drivers, they will usually charge $ 10-15 for foreigners, so visitors should be good at bidding. Do not feel uncomfortable when first visiting Timor Leste. Although the flight service is still limited but hopefully one day the plane that goes up at this airport can be crowded like in other airports in the world such as Bali, Bangkok and Singapore. icolau dos Reis Lobato (born in Bazarete, Liquiçá, May 24, 1946 - died in Turiscai, Manufahi, December 31, 1978 at age 32) is a politician and national grand hero of Timor Leste. He is the founder and vice chair of ASDT, the party which later changed its name to Fretilin. After the Proclamation of Independence on November 28, 1975 he was appointed the first Prime Minister of Timor Leste. After performing guerrilla for 3 years, President Nicolau Lobato fell in arms contact with the Indonesian National Army on December 31, 1978. The International Airport of Timor Leste used His name to honor his cause and service, named President Nicolau Lobato International Airport (Portuguese: Aeroporto Internacional President Nicolau Lobato The President Nicolau Lobato's statue can be seen in the Comoro Roundabout, just 1 minute after exit from the airport complex.

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