Katua's Hotel i Díli

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Avenida Presidente Nicolau Lobato, Díli, TL Timor-Leste
Kontakter telefon: +670 7746 9090
Hjemmeside: www.booking.com
Latitude: -8.552425, Longitude: 125.584125
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Kommentar 5

  • Agnes Neray

    Agnes Neray


    It’s like an OK restaurant, the food, the tea, the staff and also the wi-fi with-band. Oftentimes the foods and shakes are not available from the menu.

  • Berta Tilman Pereira

    Berta Tilman Pereira


    Worse tea ever, even worse they charged 2 dollars for a sari wangi. you can get better tea else where in Dili. Wi-Fi doesn't work, but friendly staff tho.

  • Raphael Merx

    Raphael Merx


    Worst coffee I've had in Dili, and the wifi didn't work. Friendly staff tho. Their $2 SariWangi tea with white sugar is a delight.

  • Yoshiko Kawasaki

    Yoshiko Kawasaki


    I like their mustard cream steak. The source is very tasty.

  • Tony Duarte

    Tony Duarte


    It is a restaurant on first floor / lantai pertama restoran

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