Hotel Timor i Díli

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Rua António Heitor, Díli, TL Timor-Leste
Kontakter telefon: +670 332 4502
Latitude: -8.554459, Longitude: 125.5734803
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Kommentar 5

  • Sulaiman Sujono

    Sulaiman Sujono


    Nice place, food was good enough for me. Good food options nearby. ATM that dispenses USD available at the lobby. No elevator, bell boy will help with the luggage (give some tip please). Room was good, the shower floor is cracked in my room. Only issue was the key to my room seems to not working. Needs to go back and forth to the lobby to change it

  • Fahmi Shahab

    Fahmi Shahab


    Seems the best in town. Nice staffs. Good location. The most interesting is I can open the window to get fresh air into the spacious room. For Dili it reserves a 5 stars.

  • Ilyas Mohamed

    Ilyas Mohamed


    This hotel location is great, but looks bit old and the service quality is not very good.

  • Frank James

    Frank James


    The egg tarts are outstanding, the Portuguese style of course. Great place to meet up.

  • Gegorge Gegelia

    Gegorge Gegelia


    Nice hotel. Right in the centre opposit to port. Bit noisy at night as the ships and cars feel obliged to hoot in the early morning hours. Service is pretty decent.

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