Cast Away Bar i Dili

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Dili, Timor Wschodni
Kontakter telefon: +670 7723 5449
Latitude: -8.5483078, Longitude: 125.5600727
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Kommentar 5

  • Edgewise022

    [email protected] Edgewise022


    I always like castaways. It has a good variety of food at great prices nice breeze at night.

  • Arthur Worsley

    Arthur Worsley


    My partner and I stayed here for four nights on a visa-run from Bali in early April 2018 and had a superb time. Each of the diving, accommodation and restaurant (Cast Away Bar) was excellent. The manager (Virginie) was wonderful, responsive on email, organising airport pick-ups and drop-offs, a comfortable room (room F) and excellent local and coastal diving. We dived 6 times in three days (including twice at Atauro) and our dive guides, Francisco and Man were also excellent. They were very experienced divers and critter hunters and were both fully focussed on making sure we had the best dive experiences possible (and those experiences were indescribable - this is world-class, pristine reef and muck diving at its best). All in all, we were extremely happy to have booked with Dive Timor and would come back (and recommend friends and family) in a heartbeat. Bear in mind that this is not 5-star accommodation, but given that Timor felt developed, economically, somewhere south of countries like Rwanda and Uganda, the owners have done an amazing job creating such a wonderful space, right on the waterfront. Thank you to all the team for making our trip so special!

  • Greg Wang

    Greg Wang


    Pretty good burger place. Have a variety of different types and burgers come in the size of mini or regular. Restaurant overlooks the beach.

  • Miguel Guardian

    Miguel Guardian


    I went here for lunch and enjoyed the food and the view. The burger was good and reasonably priced. It wasn't crowded and had a nice laid back beach vibe.

  • Filipe Duarte

    Filipe Duarte


    Boa atmosfera, serviço atencioso e uma excelente vista sobre a Baía de Dili. Uma a boa escolha para beber um copo ou refeição.

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