Arbiru Beach Resort i Díli

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Bebonuk Aldeia Meti I, Díli, Timor Wschodni
Kontakter telefon: +670 7726 3642
Latitude: -8.5402393, Longitude: 125.5382523
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Kommentar 5

  • 7 minions

    7 minions


    So so

  • Dive Master Harland

    Dive Master Harland


    The room was nice and comfortable, as was the shower/bathroom, great AC. Don't get the room closet to the generator the, and have cash as their card reader and WiFi are terrible, they ran my card four times for the payment to go thru, got charged twice, then my card was blocked due to fraud. During the off season they harvest bean sprouts there, cool, as it employees people, this island is soon poor, and you can tell the government is pocketing the aid that goes there. I went there to see what it was like, but I really really really suggest if you go there give it another five to ten years, it not at all.. I've never said that about any country.

  • Luis Lekibau de Araujo

    Luis Lekibau de Araujo


    Very nice hotel, have swimming pool , restaurant, and sea views.

  • Nawawi Purnomosidi

    Nawawi Purnomosidi


    Ruangan luas... Lengkap fasilitasnya. Pilihan tepat untuk berpergian dengan keluarga

  • hadi gunawan

    hadi gunawan


    Good hotel..excellent

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