Hotel The Ramelau i Díli

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Rua Aimutin, Comoro, Díli, Timor-Leste
Kontakter telefon: +670 331 0300
Latitude: -8.5551642, Longitude: 125.5483353
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Kommentar 5

  • Andreas Muljadi

    Andreas Muljadi


    Nice hotel in Dili with nice room

  • Jung Min Song

    Jung Min Song


    very nice swimming pool & hotel

  • Joel Cooper

    Joel Cooper


    Hotel Ramelau is one of the nicest hotels in Dili. The rooms were clean, with a comfortable bed, fancy shower, large TV, and strong a/c--overall of a quality I would expect from a modern hotel. The staff were very friendly, and provided a complimentary breakfast with coffee, cereal, fruit, bread, eggs, and at least six pieces of bacon. The lobby was beautiful, and the pool area was very clean and relaxing. There is also a tennis court, and they have rackets and balls for rent. The hotel is a ten minute walk to Timor Plaza. Oddly, we seemed to be the only occupants at this large hotel--presumably due to the >$90 price I found advertised online.

  • Pat



    Helpful staff and good food

  • rob williams

    rob williams


    A very cold sterile place, but lovely pool and tennis court.

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