Guido Valdares National Hospital i Díli

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Díli, Timor-Leste
Kontakter telefon: +44 7587 522457
Latitude: -8.5559663, Longitude: 125.5934816
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Kommentar 5

  • Elisabeth Do Rosario Vicente

    Elisabeth Do Rosario Vicente


    The National Hospital of the country and by far the biggest and well equipped. One thing to improve: the security guards need to be respectful towards all the visitors and/or patients' families.

  • Loni Anderson

    Loni Anderson


    Pleasantly surprised. I had to go to the hospital for physical therapy. The department had equipment for exercise therapy, infrared lamps, electro therapy and more. Staff was very helpful and spoke English. Cost for foreigners is (as of March 2018) $10 USD. Received the referral from the orthopedic doctor who works at the hospital and DMC. (Dili Medical Center. They've moved their offices into the Pateo center.)

  • David Smith

    David Smith


    Well equipped hospital for a 3rd world country, systems and procedures much improved by the Cuban volunteers doctors.

  • Luis Lekibau de Araujo

    Luis Lekibau de Araujo


    The best hospital....

  • Izza Fernandes

    Izza Fernandes


    HNGV The best

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