ESilva Car Rentals i Dili

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Ave Martires da Patria, Dili, Timor-Leste
Kontakter telefon: +670 332 5055
Latitude: -8.5545144, Longitude: 125.5397362
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Kommentar 5

  • Raphael Merx

    Raphael Merx


    Very professional car rental with reasonable prices for Dili. Unfortunately no charging station for my Tesla...

  • Nelson Stabil

    Nelson Stabil


    It's good place to rent cars. All type of car is available there especially 4WD and all car in good condition, but the price is very high for local customers. To go there, is only take 5 Minutes from Airport President Nicolau Lobato. And only take 1 minute from Timor Plaza.

  • Ben Mizzi

    Ben Mizzi


    Decent cars - our RAV4 was pretty good around the mountains, but prepare to be gouged on a cleaning fee after you hire a car - an extra $20USD for dust.

  • Lourenco Salsinha

    Lourenco Salsinha


    Very helpful company for the tourist destination visit Timor Leste. Trough this I want to know well about the price of the rent for 24 hours how much.?? Hope I'll be able to get a good info reply to my post.

  • Alex Tilley

    Alex Tilley


    Relatively efficient and reasonable hire car place almost opposite Timor Plaza. $50 per day for a small 2WD car for around the city. They only have 2 child car seats though, which are often booked out, and didnt seem at all interested in procuring more so we could hire one....

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