D'City Hotel i Díli

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Rua dos Martires da Patria, Bebora, Díli, Timor-Leste
Kontakter telefon: +670 332 2653
Latitude: -8.5572473, Longitude: 125.5679484
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Kommentar 5

  • Sahadewo Nalendro

    Sahadewo Nalendro


    Strategic location, clean, comfortable decent place to stay & valuable for money

  • M Alfiyan Syamsuddin

    M Alfiyan Syamsuddin


    Good service, but wifi capped at 64 KBytes/sec

  • Dive Master Harland

    Dive Master Harland


    This place really sucks. Staff is freindly, but if you get bored there, you can look time by watching the rats and cock roaches run around at night, or test your science by seeing the mold inside the jam jars. WiFi goes on and off.

  • Anggiasari Aryati

    Anggiasari Aryati


    Friendly staff, clean room, working wifi most of the time, some rooms are bigger than others and accessible for wheelchair user

  • Cheria Noezar

    Cheria Noezar


    Value for money! Compared to everywhere else in this price range, this place is clean (really not easy to find), has decent breakfast (they even got a full on espresso machine!) and provides free in-room internet connection (also not easy to find). They provide airport transfer (which would otherwise cost $10 in some shady non AC rugged taxi). Cons is only that the location is not too prime so it's hard to find food if you're on foot.

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